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Particle Physics: Particle Classification
Japanese physicist Hideki Yukawa proposed in 1935 that the nuclear force is mediated by a new particle, a meson, whose exchange between nucleons causes the force. He predicted its mass to be about 200 times that of an electron, earning him a Nobel Prize in 1949. Because the new particle would have a mass between that of the electron and that of the proton, it was called a meson (from the Greek meso, “middle”)
Particle Physics Introduction
PG-III Lecture Topics
LASER Rate Equation
Stark Effect in Hydrogen Atom
In the hydrogen atom, the energy levels are determined by the principal quantum number \(n\), and for a given \(n\), the energy is given by:
Approximation Method
Perturbation theory is a powerful tool in quantum mechanics used to study systems where the Hamiltonian can be separated into a known part \(H_0\) and a small perturbation \(H'\). The goal is to find approximate solutions to the Schrödinger equation for the full Hamiltonian \(H = H_0 + H'\) by treating the perturbation as a small correction to the known system.
Consider the Hamiltonian $H$ of the system, which is time-independent, given by
Derivations-QM: Current Density Conservation Equation
The Dirac equation for a free particle is given by: